Friday, August 21, 2009

clearly anxious

yesterday i had my free consultation at clearly lasik in renton. i was feeling pretty anxious, but the staff there quickly made me feel at ease. they ran a series of tests on my eyes measuring all sorts of things from pupil dilation size, to cornea thickness, and the stability of my prescription. as it turns out...i'm a strong candidate for lasik! i'm not going to lie, there was a small part of me that wanted to not be a candidate. that way i could not go through with it, but at least i could say i tried.

i've already scheduled the lasik for next thursday, august 27th at 9:30 am. i figured the sooner i could get an appointment, the better. less chance of chickening out. i'm of course nervous, anxious, scared, but for the most part i'm really excited. my doctor has 50,000 lasik surgeries under his belt, so he's been through this a few times. also, 95% of people are happy with their lasik results. i keep repeating these statistics through my head. send calming, positive vibes my way, please.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting it done! I had it done 4 years ago and it was truly the best investment I have made so far! I was a bit skeptical as well, but it worked perfect for me. I see 20/15 in both eyes, had no complications and wished I had done it much sooner then I had. You will enjoy it so very much! Good Luck to you! Love, Cousin Lissy
