Tuesday, March 15, 2011


i am a lazy blogger. i'm not sure how being unemployed with tons of time on my hands somehow makes me less likely to blog. but it does.

march 8th i ran my first official 5k race. it was the lifestyle sports waterfront 5k. my two goals were to run the entire length, and to finish in 28 minutes or less. success!
lining up

aaron came to support me, and i must admit that it was fun to be the one with a sport activity, seeing my sig-o on the sidelines rooting for me.
aaron, waiting for me to finish
my finishing time was 26:09, which i was truly excited about. the area i usually run in a bit hillier than the waterfront, so i'm guessing that is why my time was better than all my practice runs. i came in 47th. which doesn't sound so great...but since i accomplished both of my goals (and it was my first race ever), i choose to consider it a victory.

finish line

afterwords i was rewarded for my efforts, by a free beverage at the chicago sports cafe.

i look ridiculously happy here
i definitely plan on continuing to run. i'm actually thinking about buying the "bridge to 10k" app for my iphone. this app is for graduates of the "couch to 5k" program and helps you go from running for 30 minutes non-stop (or 5k), to 60 minutes (10k). however, this will not happen for at least a week, due to the upcoming arrival of justin & angie (less than 3 days!). i do not like to set myself up for disappointment, and i know i would not be able to follow a running program while traveling around the south island.

1960's coasters

oh dear readers, are you tired of the blogs about all of my hobbies? how much sewing, knitting, and running can you read about? we will find out.

my second sewing project was a gradual increase of difficulty, but i wouldn't say it was hard. and it was also a very worthwhile project for our house. aaron and i have been cursing non-stop at our coasters (which, i insist we use). once the condensation from the glass goes to the bottom of the coaster, it sticks to the glass and then falls off. causing water to go everywhere and thereby becoming pointless. cloth coasters would not do such a thing. viola!

i can not believe i am blogging about coasters.
the pattern is from sew retro, which if you know anything about me, is right up my ally. and, yes, the colors are to coordinate with the living room, and the office.