
i have had a serious interest in genealogy since i was 13 and had to do a family tree as a kansas history assignment. that was 16 long years ago. even before then i was a pretty dorky little kid and would constantly ask my parents (to my father's great delight) to tell me stories from when they were a kid. or when their parents were kids. i was rivited.

on any given day i could spend hours scrolling online records on or searching for long lost facts and ancestors (and citing sources, always citing sources). nothing has ever compaired to the feeling i get when i discover important bits or stories about my forebearers. it brings chills down my spine. and sometimes tears to my eyes.

my genealogy blog is: heborola

my genealogy website (yes, they are different): exploring my herbst/botz/ross/lang lines.  this one is a bit out of date, and i keep swearing i'll update it soon.

some of my favorite genealogy sites:
  • familysearch: familysearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. the provide access to 2.34 billion indexed names and records from all over the world. familysearch is a free service provided by the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.  invaluable.
  • ancestry: ancestry has billions of records (4 billion as of 2009, in the last 2 years i'm sure they've added at least 1-2 billion more). as many records as they provide, they are not a free service. i am fortunate enough to have access to the library edition of ancestry
  • genealogy guys: yes, i listen to a genealogy podcast. george and drew have been providing me with  entertainment and constructive ideas (ancestor timelines!) since 2005.