Tuesday, August 28, 2012

in other news i have a weak ass

quite a few months ago i noticed a continual soreness in my left hip. eventually i noticed a correlation with days i ran and the pain. i ignored it for a bit, it wasn’t bad, mostly irritating, perhaps it would go away on it's own.

eventually, aaron convinced me i should go to the same physio he went to for his knee. i was a bit sceptical at first. i think of physios as serious sports doctors for real athletes. marathoners. nfl linebackers. ultimate frisbee players, etc. i do not consider myself an athlete. basically i work out because i know i'm supposed to (like flossing my teeth) and that is about it. was this an actual injury? was it all in my head?

i eventually went. my physio, glenn, had me do some exercises, asked me some questions and did some stretches. he almost immediately diagnosed me with hip bursistis. this was caused by two things 1) apparently i have a weak left ass cheek 2)the weak left ass was caused by “amazingly” flexible hips (he even asked me if i was a dancer or gymnast, alas!) that apparently allow my body to not use my left bum muscle. this apparently has been happening for years…

for the last 5 weeks i’ve been doing 2 exercises to try and get strengthen this part of my body. tt’s not overly hard, just tiresome and not fun. although i shouldn’t complain…others have it lots worse off than i do. and the exercises do seem to be helping, along with icing after my 3.4 mile runs. today i had my 3rd visit with my physio, and i was hoping he would tell me i was completely cured, but no. he confirmed that i’ll need to continue both sets of exercises every day for the next 4-6 weeks. the good news is that once this muscle is built up, it will not wither back down to nothing and my body will begin to actually use it when i run, instead of the weird hip thing it does now.

other things about my physio:
1) he had told me several times i don’t need to do things “a million miles per hour”
2) he was quick to tell me i seem to have “little to no body awareness” (in that i probably run in to doors and what not, check)

Monday, August 27, 2012

meal planning

i'm endeavouring to start a somewhat regular feature here. somewhat because, well, you all know i just had a 8 month blogging break. any hoo...

every sunday i plan our meals out for the rest of the week. i have been told that most people do not do this and that this is one of the things that makes me, me.

i'm going to try and blog what things we are eating this week. this probably will not bring hords of new blog readers, but i figure it will be a meal diary of sorts, which might turn out handy at some point and time in the future.

any "keeper" recipes i try to post on my purely recipe blog, somewhat regularly. this again is less for other people, and more for myself. wherever i go, i will have my favorite recipes with me (tagged for conveience). most of them are not original recipes, so i always cite my source (like a good librarian)

this week, most of the recipes are from one of my most used books 365 no repeats by rachael ray.

sunday: cumin-lime crusted pork chops with spicy creamed corn (this was supposed to be a pork tenderloin, but the store demanded i be flexible)

monday: leftovers of above

tuesday: beauregard kumara with chili and feta cheese (recipe found here)

wednesday: leftovers stuffed kumaras

thursday: spinach goat cheese chicken rolls with pan sauce

friday: leftover chicken rolls

saturday: lemon artichoke risotto with shrimp

what are you having this week?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

i'm back.

i seem to have abandoned this blog last year. i'm not sure why. it' wasn't too much work to keep up. but i guess i'm lazy, and the longer i went without updating the more work i thought it would be to catch up with everything...the longer it went untouched.

as a compromise, i'm picking it up again, but don't expect to get caught up on the last 7 months. too much as happened (but nothing major).

i'm picking up from this weekend.

on saturday we had what we call a productive day. we bought our niece her 1st birthday gifts and  went looking for a spare tire (or spare tyre, as they are known here). our spare tire was stolen, oh, about a year and a half ago. we still haven't gotten around to replacing it, yet. they are very expensive new, and such a chore to get second hand. but we tried this weekend, so we get a finger badge*.

*a finger badge is a made up reward system, by me. it's like getting a gold star, except you can actually give and receive it. aaron rolls his eyes and pretends to not like the finger badge system, but i know deep down he loves them as much as me.

to reward our selves for such a fine job, the next morning after a skype convo with my folks, and some amazing breakfast burritos, we headed off to the pinnacles.

what are the pinnacles? good question. i'm going to answer by saying really pretty geologic rock thing. it was also featured in a movie called the lord of the rings.

there. not too bad for the first post in 7 or 8 months, right?