Saturday, October 2, 2010

the knitting must continue

so while posting up in a local bar/cafe here in wellington, i noticed a sign for a local knit night that occurs wednesdays, fortnightly (every 2 weeks). i decided that it would be a good thing to jump right into this making friends bit and decided to go to the next one.

however, when the day arrived it was a bit more daunting. would they like me? would i like them? would any of them be my age? suddenly i didn't want to go. aaron gently told me i sounded like a 5 year old on her first day of kindergarten (true). i sucked it up. i went.

it was definitely not like my usual knit night. there was about 10-15 women ranging in age from late 20's to late 70's. i felt a bit out of place. not because i was new, but more because of my knitting style. i was knitting a wool sock in the round on 4 metal dpns. most of the other knitters were knitting on bamboo or plastic straight needles and using acrylic. oh, rachel, how i missed you.

the women were all really nice and made me feel quite welcome. i might have even made a new friend. she seemed to be about my age and lives in my area. she offered me her name and number in case i wanted to go grab a tea or coffee sometime, which made me really happy.

at the end of the night, everyone put a few coins into a tin, and then you drew numbered balls (the same amount as the amount of coins you donated) and the winner of the raffle got the coins. it was odd, but fun. i was definitely enjoyed the experience and hope to go to the next one as well.