Friday, August 28, 2009

amazing vision

yesterday i was the day i got lasik. i'm not going to lie, i was really scared. but everyone at clearly lasik was really warm and understanding. i didn't have to wait long before my name was called and aaron and i went into the back room and discussed payment. they really tried to work for me to get it as cheap as they could. they even gave me the "teacher's discount" (because i work at a university), which saved me $500. then she went over all of the medicated drops i need to put in my eye. it's pretty intense. i have 3 kinds of drops that go in at different intervals. i have a running tally on the white erase board that helps me keep track. i then chewed up my valium and waited in the "relaxation suite". i probably waited there for about 30 minutes, while the valium took effect. the butterflies definitely went away, and i started to get drowsy. then my name was called

i laid down and numbing drops were applied to my eyes. there were two nurses in the "operational suite" with me and they were really good about counting things down for me and using reassuring words. my left eye was taped down and the began on my right eye. the doctor had to talk to me a bit to get me to relax a bit more. there was a lot of pressure that went to black, then i could blurrily see the laser. i looked into the light and there as a lot of clicking, then the smell of burnt hair. this would have scared me, but the nurses prepped me so i knew to expect it. once the laser quit clicking the doctor replaced my corneal flap. then the same routine with the left eye.

once i was done the doctor quickly looked at my eyes through a magnifying machine to make sure things looked alright (he had to remove a rogue eyelash). then i was sent along my merry way. by this time the valium had me in it's grip and i don't remember a whole lot. aaron got me home safely and i slept for 6 straight hours. when i woke up, i could see. no joke. it was amazing.

this morning i went to my first post-opt appointment and my vision tested out at 20/20. perfect! and it looked like both of my eyes are healing wonderfully. my aftercare is essentially eye drops constantly for a week, no eye make up for a week, no swimming for two weeks, and no rubbing my eyes. i also get to sleep with goggles for the next week so i won't accidentally rub them in my sleep.

hurray! this is so totally worth it. never was there any pain...i know a few friends who have been thinking about getting this done. feel free to ask me any/all questions. i would love to help you!

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it the best investement you have ever made?! Am so happy to hear that all went great! ~Liss
