Monday, July 6, 2009

try, try again

in a previous post aaron and i tried to backpack to peek-a-boo lake. we were thwarted by too much snow and an impending thunderstorm, remember? well, we tried it again last friday and success was ours. we left seattle semi-early (7:20 ish) and began the 3 mile hike at 9:30 or so. the trail did get lost under the snow again, but our expert boy-scout was able to find the way regardless. the alpine lake was beautiful, the views breathtaking, and the bugs annoying. my favorite part was probably the campfire. i love campfires, you can't beat them for cozy. we left camp without breakfast the next morning, due to the abundance of mosquitoes. after hiking a bit to a less buggy area, we enjoyed some jerky and trail mix while taking in this view. nice, right?

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